I just wanted to say a big thank you to Peter Kennedy for becoming my first patreon supporter.
There is no requirement to become a patreon for free access to the YouTube channel or forum but it will give you additional benefits and shows your support.
You are welcome Joe, The most worth while subscription i’ve ever made.
How can that be done Joe ?
How does one become a member? I didn’t realise it existed.
Just to confirm to all. You are not obliged to join as a patreon. This was only set up because a number of people asked me to do so. If you decide to join as a patreon, there are certain benefits available to you as I do not intend on making money from it. The money will be shared between charity, benefits to members or go towards the cost of making the videos.
Frankly Joe, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be paid to make these videos, after all
“Time is Money” And you have put so much of your time into this project, so why shouldn’t you, And you are not receiving funds for advertisements on your channel for endorsing products like so many do on You Tube, So I say if the subscription helps pay for more videos which benefits us all in the long run, I’m happy to contribute.