Tachometer connector repair advice

Hello all my name is: Kyle A. I am from Binghamton, New York USA.
I have a: 1992 Stealth base sohc na manual trans.
It has the following issue: Tachometer does not move and the associated connector has one of the three wires broken. The wire is broken very close to the connector so I am concerned it will be difficult to solder it properly. This connector is mounted above the ignition coil behind the upper intake manifold.
This wire snapped when I changed the valve cover and intake gaskets, the tach worked before this. Is there a way to remove the leads from this connector for easy soldering? Maybe I’m wrong and this isn’t my problem any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

The leads can be removed, but there’s a very good likelihood of damaging the connector housing if you have no experience doing so. Other electronics should have connector with pins that you can practice removing the pins before you try it on the car. If you damage the plastic connector, you will likely have a difficult time finding a replacement for it. The pins itself can be purchased from any electronics supplier such as radio shack (though i belive al radio shacks are closed permanently now). There’s an online shop i purchased diodes from to repair the display screen for the digital climate control of my 91 vr4. I forgot the name of the website, but the parts were very affordable. Order replacement pins before you remove the old ones so you know how they lock into the connector, so taking the old ones out will be as painless as possible. Also order a few extra pins, once they’re crimped, you won’t be able to re seat a wire if you mess up. Goodluck

Thanks all I needed to hear. Will try this and see how it goes.