Rear Trailing Arm Bushes

I am currently refurbing the rear sub frame and the only thing i could not find was the large washers that go either side of the bolt that hold the trailing arm into the sub frame itself. I approached a company called RH Nuttal who make washers for industry. not their biggest order but they were able to help and made four of these from the best one off the car. They were pretty worn on the inside edge against the bushing as this is where the rear wheel steer gets is small movement from.


Nice one Bob, Do you mind me asking how much they charged ? I’m also refurbing rear subframe and don’t have those either,

£20.00 which i thought was very good

Interesting… got my subframe refurbished and I defo did not have them on and they have ever been in there by the looks of it.

Do all years have those and on mine they just fell off sometime earlier in the car’s live or mitsu only started instaling them from some year onwards? (Mine’s 91’)

And how crucial this is? After refurbishment I have not noticed any extra play or anything. Everything is nice and tight and rear steering works as should…

I suppose it’ll be pain to install those now since it is all assembled and installed now. Or there is a way to free up that part on the trailing arm just enought to squeeze in thsose washers without detaching all the other arms etc?

Part number seem to be MD911700 and looks to be available on amayama for not that much.

Yeah i’ve looked at Amayama and they appear to be available on the site for 2nd generation 93 - onward but not on site for 1st Gen prior to 93. I wonder are they the same ? I don’t see why they wouldn’t be. Like you said Vince, perhaps they only started installing them after.
I have a 93 1st Gen GTO and they’re coming in at €11. I still have all the parts bagged and labelled when dismantling so i’ll take a look when i’m next up at the car and see if they are there. Pretty sure they weren’t.

I tried to order them from Amayama a few weeks back and came back after paying as out of production. Their site was live and discontinued parts shown but recently they put all the parts back in stock on the site so i ordered loads off these parts now shown as available but all came back as out of production again. Thats why i had them made.

I wonder if Joe could spread some light onto whether or not these were on MK1’s?