Rear active aero service kit

Good afternoon was wondering if anyone has a rear active aero service kit with all the consumables I haven’t taken it apart yet but the front works the rear I can hear a noise but goes up when it wants so whilst I’m there if I can get the bits still available thanks

Its a very basic operating system when you get inside. It sounds like yours has a bit of corrosion and its fighting to get to work. Ive taken a few apart and the motor can get corroded on the inside making the action stiff and the two slides on each end of the spoiler can get dry and not slide as they should. Once you get them apart and give it a clean and grease it shoulb be fine but i have spares if its gone south.

Thanks for the reply man yeah I’ve not taken it apart yet just wanted to have everything at hand incase once it’s all apart but will take a look and clean it up and hopefully it works otherwise I’ll grab the bits off you how about the gaskets?? They will most definitely need replacing

I only have one set which i will use at some point but i got that from Joe a long time ago. If he does not have any more there are some floating around on ebay.

You’re in for some fun if the philips head screws that hold the middle part in place with brackets are corroded - they’ll not want to break free without molegrips or knock on an irwin bolt extractor.

Once it comes apart you have to be very particular how it goes back together, as the up/down function is a worm driven cable so the motor has to be set in the right position (down) while you put it into place while the aero position and side guides are in the down position too.

You can test the motor and its microswitches off the spoiler by just suspending it plugged in from the hatch connector, activating the aero switch should make it move, and you can set it in the off/down position and unplug it and set the whole thing up.


Luckily I had one of the screw extractors and needed to use it in two of them but they came out fine all the others, and it worked for 5 goes and then stopped it does it now and then it will work and then half the time it doesn’t work that’s why I decided to take it apart and I’m sure I’ve put it back together right as it worked right after but then stopped again Paul mentioned it could be the switches playing up the front works fine just the rear is temperamental and it’s a lot of surface rust on the components but I’ve had it apart now so can tidy it up a little better when it’s a hot day as I didn’t want to risk it raining with the holes for the spoiler exposed