Gecko racing coilovers

Hey folks

I just wanted to give a short review of my Gecko racing coilovers. I have had them on my car since 2017 as I was very unhappy with my old Tein ones, and when I wanted to replace them I was shocked at the price of them, so I searched for an alternative, and came across these Gecko coilovers which came from Taiwan when I purchased them.

They come in 2 series for our cars, the street version, and the racing version… The ones I have which are the racing version come with 32 levels of adjustable damper settings on the front and rear, and are of course hight adjustable.
They have been great for me on my car since installing them, the only problem I had installing them was that there was a bracket on each coilover missing for holding the brake lines.
I made up new ones, and I will include pictures on how they look like aswell as of the installed coilovers:


Thats good to know thanks.

What was it you didn’t like about the Tein ones, which set did you have?

I’ve got the control master flex ones on mine, when I got the car it was at it’s lowest it could go so there was no shocker travel and I hate it, also one had a leak. I’ve had them sent back to Tein for a full refurb and fingers crossed when set up at a reasonable height they will feel better.

I thought they were way too stiff from the first day I got the car until I replaced them (might be they were going bad, but I hated them) and when I wanted to replace them the price on a set of new Tein compared to these Gecko ones was crazy…

what was the price on these gecko ones?

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I have been told that they are OK when set higher.
Time will tell.
To me it seemed the springs were rated to high for the weight of the car and had no give.

Hi guys , just fitted full set of tein flex z , race so happy set 8 clicks back from stuff goin over speed bumps my head doesn’t hit roof anymore. The only problem I had to splash out £200 on a low profile jack

I paid $800 for my coilovers