A/C Lines Needed

Make: Mitsubishi
Model: GTO MR
Year: 1997

Hope all is well,

Am in search for two A/C lines am in need of the one from the Dryer pressure switch to the evaporator and the other is part of the lower pressure line also heading to the evaporator (only from the connector at the strut).

I have attached photos of the two lines marked with yellow and red arrows The line marked by the red arrow, I don’t need the complete line, just from the point where it’s marked.I am located in the Bahamas, but I ship through a freight forwarder located in Miami, Florida.

Ok so that first picture, the lowside hose that runs along the firewall is long discontinued and I tried finding a new one and it was impossible. Your best bet is someone parting their car out. Im not sure if you can find the skinnier metal line new. I bought a few new lines last year but I cant remember if any of them where that skinny metal line and I returned them.

Thanks for the reply. it’s so unfortunate that a lot of these parts have been discontinued. I just wished that a third party company would take up the challenge and make replacement parts for the discontinued ones. I am experiencing a leak at the connection of the evaporator so If I can’t find a replacement, I will have to resort to getting the line for the US version and cut the end and weld it to my current line. A temporary fix until I can find someone to make up a custom replacement.

Are you sure its not just the O ring? Theres a guy on facebook that sells very specific O rings for these lines. Certain O rings arent thick enough I think. Ive had a leak on that spot for years until I realized it was just the O ring on the low side hose that goes into the evaporator. I was also putting O rings on the evaporator itself on the female connections which is not where they are suppose to go, further causing a bigger leak lol.

Actually I was thinking the same thing. I ordered a few of the OEM O Rings and I just noticed the O that was previously on it is bigger. Will try the factory ones on the weekend and see what happens. Fingers crossed