Any tips to clean the valves?

This seems to be a controversial topic to to say the least!

Just want to say thanks to everyone who’s commented different ways on how to ‘fix’ the sludge. It has given me a lot more to go off and research.

But please don’t fall out over this!!! We all like these cars and want only want what’s best for them!!

(Again, thank you)

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I think this topic has gone as far as it can go. I am having a meeting with the mediators this afternoon to find out why it has not been shut down despite being flagged multiple times. May I remind you that this forum is for responsible adults. There are plenty of Facebook groups out there where you can insult and abuse each other but you are expected to use curtesy and respect on here. Everyone is entitled to join debates and have their opinion without feeding intimidated.
Can I also reiterate that I am not an expert on these cars. Nor am I a mechanic. This is just a hobby for me and you should not use me to settle disputes. I give my thoughts on a subject and then leave it for more knowledgeable people to correct me if I am wrong. It is for you to decide what information best answers your question.
I have already given my opinion on what I would personally do and I am sticking with it based on personal experience but it still does not mean that there isn’t another option.
The other thing that I don’t think has been mentioned when it comes to putting diesel in with oil is the damage that diesel can do to certain rubber parts. I don’t know its long term effects on the seals and gaskets. If you want to discuss the subject of diesel on rubber, please start a new post.